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Rotary of Cary-Grove Inaugural "Chili Cookoff"
Come out to see our local Police, Fire, Village, and Townships compete in the Rotary of Cary-Grove Inaugural Chili Cook off!!!
Tickets are $20 and include 1 drink ticket. All proceeds will be going to support local charities. A portion of the proceeds will go to support the Rotary of Cary Grove and a portion will go to the chili cookoff winners charity of choice.
Huge Thank You!!! to Chalet Hills Golf Club for sponsoring our event by letting the Rotary of Cary Grove host their Inaugural Chili Cookoff at their location.

Date and Time
Saturday May 13, 2023
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Chalet Hills Golf Club
943 Rawson Bridge Road
Cary, Illinois
Contact Information
Jennifer Kipp
Send Email
The Chamber Office is staffed for your convenience Mon-Fri 9:00 am - 4:30 pm, with the occasional closing for offsite Chamber events.
118 S. Main Street, Suite 4, Wauconda, IL 60084