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Jeeps 4 Vets Veterans Jeep Run
Join Jeep4Vets for our 2nd Annual Veterans Day Jeep Run on Sunday, November 6th. All monies raised from this event will go to Veterans Path To Hope and will be used to help less fortunate Veterans get back on their feet.
We will meet at Liberty Jeep in Libertyville (1000 E. Park Ave Libertyville, IL 60048) from 09:30 till 11:30. We will have raffles and also be able to hang out and talk Jeep. Non-perishable food items, household supplies, socks, and pillows are welcomed donations for our veterans.
At 11:30 we will head out to the VFW in Lake Villa to drop off donations needed by Veterans Path to Hope. Here we will pull up and let the volunteers grab all the donations and then proceed to Bootleggers in Antioch (25491 Old Grass Lake Antioch IL 60002) for End Party!
Date and Time
Sunday Nov 6, 2022
9:30 AM - 3:00 PM CST
Registration Begins at 9:30 AM
11:30 Departure to Lake Villa VFW for Supply & Donation Drop-Off
Ride to Bootleggers in Antioch for End Party!
Liberty Jeep
1000 E. Park Avenue
Libertyville, IL 60048
$20 Donation per Vehichle
Contact Information
Chris Acker
Send Email
The Chamber Office is staffed for your convenience Mon-Fri 9:00 am - 4:30 pm, with the occasional closing for offsite Chamber events.
118 S. Main Street, Suite 4, Wauconda, IL 60084